Capacity building

A calendar of WEAVE events programmed for Winter-Spring 2022 has focus on capacity building. The effort is devoted to both cultural heritage institutions, via a series of Europeana WEAVE events to support a more diverse and inclusive cultural heritage sector. Additionally, various capacity building workshops with the cultural communities directly linked with the project and CHIs, led by C-DARE Coventry University will explore ways of improving communities’ engagement with tangible and intangible heritage.

In the introductive video below, Prof. Fred Truyen Programme Director for the MA Digital Humanities, at CS Digital – KU Leuven – is presenting the Capacity Building strand of the WEAVE project.

Most of the capacity building events carried out have been recorded so you can learn more about the events organised with communities or the Europeana events series focusing on diversity and inclusion. You can also read more and see the recordings of the initial LabDays organised with various communities.