Europeana events

This is a series of four events for cultural heritage professionals on the topics of diversity and inclusion, to get a better understanding and inspire each other on how cultural institutions can support a more diverse and inclusive sector.

The four events were carefully planned and moderated by WEAVE partners with the support of Europeana Foundation.

The events are supported by a workbook that attendees can use for the entire series. The events series is an iterative process and, ideally, participants join all the events.

All the information and details for each event are available on Europeana Pro

Post-event retrospective

11 Feb. 2022: Europeana WEAVE: Intro

The event introduces WEAVE methodology and highlights some of the activities that have taken place already.

18 Feb. 2022: Europeana WEAVE: Workshop

How can CHIs support inclusivity?
Hands-on workshop about D&I and the importance of including representation of cultural communities in the work done by cultural heritage institutions.

25 Feb. 2022: Europeana WEAVE: Panel

Making Cultural Collections more inclusive
D&I in practice. The focus is on how terminologies, content presentation and copyrights can impact cultural communities.

10 Mar. 2022: Europeana WEAVE: Final Session

Looking back at the workshop and Europeana WEAVE cafes, how we can integrate the learning in the current and future activities and in the workflow of cultural heritage institutions.