Girona City Council, through the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI), organize a new participatory activity in the framework of WEAVE project. The aim is to create short pieces of audiovisuals in order to explain the phenomenon of Castellers in Catalonia by contacting people from different assocations around the country and by using archival content, mainly videos and photographs.
This activity is split in 2 different sessions: the first one for recording and interviews and the second one for learning to work with archival contents.
The produced videos will be published on Europeana.

Session 1.
• Date: 5th February 2022
• Time: 9:00 – 19:00 CET
• Venue: CRDI – Municipal Archive. Girona
• Language: Catalan
image: Marrecs de Salt, 28/10/2012. Ajuntament de Girona. CRDI (Fons El Punt Avui – Lluís Serrat Masferrer)
About 25 people are invited to participate in the production of 5 short audiovisuals about the world of Castellers. During this day we will interview members from 5 different associations in order to talk about the meaning of Castellers, the values, their history and the importance of their archives for future. These associations are the ones that have had the more connection with the city of Girona and of which we can have audiovisual content in our archive.
- 9:00 Starting and setting of equipment for recording
- 10:00 Light test and interview
- 10:00 INTERVIEW 1. Capgrossos Mataró: David Minguilón Et al.
- 11:00 INTERVIEW 2. Sagals d’Osona: Joan Riera Claret; Júlia Font Aguilar; Bernat Camps Martínez
- 12:00 INTERVIEW 3. Minyons de Terrassa: Caterina Liébanas; Maria Júlia Sánchez; Nani Matas; Màrius Boada
- 13:30 – 15:00 – Social lunch
- 15:00 INTERVIEW 4. Marrecs de Salt: Ramon Grau; Jordi Anglada
- 16:00 INTERVIEW 5. Nens del Vendrell: Francesc Alcaraz Sànchez; Pau Marcé Arroyo
- 17:00 INTERVIEW 6. Sergi Font (former president of the Coordinator of Castellers and a member of Marrecs de Salt)
- 18:00 End of the session

Session 2.
• Date: 11th February 2022
• Time: morning
• Venue: CIFOG
• Language: Catalan
image: Marrecs de Salt, 25/10/1998. Ajuntament de Girona. CRDI (Fons El Punt – Manel Lladó Aliu)
This is considered a capacity building session as students from CIFOG (Training Cycles of Girona). will be involved in the production of these audiovisuals. The aim is to learn how to use archival content for creating a documentary about Castellers.
- The image collections at CRDI. Pau Saavedra
- The work of an audiovisual archivist. Pau Saavedra
- The management of copyright. David Iglésias
- Europeana and the WEAVE project. David Iglésias
After this session, students, conducted by teachers, will learn how to edit all this content in order to create the final product. Audiovisual will be presented and published in Europeana the first week of April.