

Portuguese Dances Workshop at 3rd edition of Festival Desdobra-te’21

  • Date: 27th November 2021
  • Time: 15.00 pm (Portugal time zone)
  • Duration: 1 h.
  • Online via Zoom
  • Language: Portuguese

WEAVE project is organizing a series of LabDays to engage communities with their tangible and intangible heritage. The second PédeXumbo’s LabDay is dedicated to the portuguese dances of Porto de Mós (Portugal).

On this Labday we learned traditional dances with “Aire”, a Portuguese group of musicians and dancers created by Marisa Barroso to give musical structure to the “Pilot Project for the Safeguarding of Traditional Portuguese Dances”. These are dances inspired by the winds and dry stone walls of the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros, in the municipality of Porto de Mós, such as “Raspa” and “Bate do Reinadio”, “Sapateia da Choutice” ou “Vira ao contra par e ao par do Fadinho”.

This LABDAY takes place in the 3rd edition of Festival Desdobra-te, a festival of dance and other arts, organized by PédeXumbo, in Évora (Portugal). This activity was also broadcast via zoom, within the scope of the European project WEAVE.

Portuguese Dances Workshop is dedicated to the repertoire from North to South of Portugal (vira, corridinho, malhão, chula, chotiça, fado batido, etc.), taking participants to dance in circles, pairs and squares. It was a relaxed moment of practical learning of steps, rhythms and spatial structures of different dances that are part of the tradition of dancing in Portugal.

This workshop had a strong practical component accompanied by moments of sharing information about the contexts where certain rhythms are danced.